The Belden Brick Company is a member of the Brick Industry Association. The Company is currently managed by the fourth and fifth generation of the Belden family.
A SPECIAL NOTE ABOUT BRICK SIZES. Belden Nomenclature differs from Industry Standards on certain or several brick sizes. Namely we use the term Jumbo instead of Engineer and the term Economo where the industry uses Closure.
A SPECIAL NOTE ABOUT COLOR. Although monitor color variation varies, the color between the brick as they appear on screen and those in the binder will have slight variations. Accordingly it is important that you request brick samples before making a selection. In addition, certain kinds of brick, particularly those described as blends, offer a range of gradations of a specific color. In these cases, Belden brick shown on these pages are grouped on a basis of the predominant color involved.
Browns & Blacks
Colors available are 470-479 Dark Smooth & Medium Smooth, 8601 Smooth, 8621 Coarse Velour, 8632 Velour, Ashberry Velour, Beaver Blend Dark-Tex & Semi-Smooth, Belcrest Black Sand, Brandywine Velour , Chocolate Brown Bark, Black Diamond Velour, Ebony Black Smooth, Flashed Sorrel Blend Coarse Velour, Garnet Blend Handmade, Midland Blend Coarse Velour, Nipier Blend Velour, Nassau Full & Medium Range Sanded Rustic, Seal Brown Velour, St. Simon Blend Dart-Tex, Venetian Blend Sanded Rustic, call your salesman today for our special prices!
Colors available are 661 Matt, Smooth & Velour, 671 Smooth & Velour, 691-693 Smooth, 8520, 8521, 8522 & 8523 Coarse Velour, 8530, 8531, 8532 & 8533 Velour, 920-926 & 923-926 Matt, Appollo Blend Matt, Beacon Gray Velour, Boystown Matt, Burbank Clear & Full Range Coarse Velour, Cambridge Bark, Dapple Gray Matt, Dutch Gray Matt, Smooth & Velour, Graystone Matt, Smooth & Velour, Hamilton Blend Sanded Rustic, Harbor Mist Clear & Blend Handmade, Landmark Gray Velour , Lighthouse Gray Velour, Mayo Blend Clear & Full Range Smooth, Sea Gray Smooth & Velour, Silver Satin Bark & Silver Shadow Bark, call your salesman today for our special prices!
Colors available are Belcrest 100, 130, 150, 170, 310, 330, 350 & 360 all in Sand Mold , Carolina Rose Sand Velour, Jewel Blend & Clear Sand Velour, Madison Blend Sand Rustic, Sandy Rose Sand Velour, St. Anne Blend & Clear Handmade, call your salesman today for our special prices!
Colors available are 141-145 Vertical, 503-505 “Red” Smooth, 830 Dart-Tex , Admiral Full Range Velour, Admiral Red Smooth & Velour, Amherst Blend Dart-Tex, Belcrest 500, 530, 550, 560, 700, 730 & 760 Sand Mold, Berwick Blend & Red Sanded Dart-Tex, Bismark Blend Smooth, Buckingham Blend Sanded Dart-Tex, Buckingham Clear Sanded Dart-Tex, Burgundy Blend Matt, Canyon Full Range Smooth & Velour, Canyon Smooth & Velour, Casino Blend Sand Dart-Tex, Century Reds Sand Dart-Tex, Cherry Bark & Velour, Claret Full Range Smooth & Velour, Claret Smooth & Velour, Colony Blend & Red Smooth, Commodore Full Range Smooth & Velour, Commodore Smooth & Velour, Garden Blend Matt, Heritage Blend Sand Molded, Homestead Blend Coarse Velour, Indiana Full Range Coarse Velour, Indiana Red Clear Coarse Velour, Kingsport 8x Handmade, Kingsport Handmade, London Blend Dart-Tex, Mohawk Blend Matt, No. 9 Blend & Red Vertical, Provincial Blend Sand Mold, Queensport Blend Handmade, Rainbow Blend & Red Matt, Revere Blend Sanded Rustic, River Red Velour, Rosewood Blend & Clear Handmade, Royalty Red Coarse Velour, Rubigo Blend Velour, Rubigo Red Smooth & Velour, Rum Raisin Velour, Sunglo Matt & Velour, Tudor Blend Sanded Dart-Tex, Tulip Blend & Red Bark & Winewood Blend Handmade, call your salesman today for our special prices!
Tans & Buffs
Colors available are Alamo Clear & Blend Handmade, Beechwood Blend Handmade, Bridgeport Blend Handmade, Lancaster Blend Handmade, Manchester Blend Handmade, Meadow Blend Sand Mold, Mojave Blend Handmade, Princess Blend Sand Mold, Quaker Blend Velour, Tumbleweed Velour, 461-463 Smooth & Velour, 470-471 Light Smooth, 505& 514 Bark , 870-874 Matt, Concord Blend & Clear Sanded Velour, Desert Sun Smooth, Goldenrod Ironspot Smooth, Harvest Blend Matt , Madrid Blend Velour, Marigold Blend Matt, Navada Blend Matt, Nutmeg Full Range Velour, Nutmeg Velour, Pago Matt & Velour, Ragland Blend Sanded Dart-Tex, Sunburst Blend Matt & Wheatfield Velour, call your salesman today for our special prices!
Whites & Creams
Colors available are 280-284 Smooth, 481-483 Matt, Smooth & Velour, Alaska White Dart-Tex & Velour, Arctic Clear Handmade, Bayport Handmade, Belcrest 600& 650 Sand Mold,Nassau White Sanded Rustic, Polar White Blend & Clear Handmade & Potomac Clear Sanded, call your salesman today for our special prices!